In 2020, I'm hoping to get even more off the UFO list. I'm also doing a 2 yards out, one yard in "Stash Sew Down". I can't leave our local quilt shops without customers, and we all need new fabric to pet now and again.... but right now I can't fit another fat quarter into my stash area.
Once again, I'm participating in the APQ Facebook challenge. I think I'll just stick with one challenge, but I have 3 lists... so when a number is chosen each month, I'll attempt to work on all three lists for that number... we'll see how it goes!
Here are my lists... I've already finished #8 on the first list... I powered through with the quilting the last week of 2019 to get it in the mail to our grandson.
Here is the link to the facebook challenge:
The first list is mostly tops that need to be quilted and bound... and the second list is tops that need assembling as a result of block exchanges. The third list includes some homemade kits that I've put together out of project leftovers that will become donation quilts for our guild.
List #1 -
1. Roll Roll Cotton Boll - April
Oops.... another internet mystery! This one was hosted by Bonnie Hunter over at
Originally, Bonnie had planned for this to be queen size... but I had to cut it down to a size I gift or use.... A twin size throw.... the extra pieces were put to use in a bonus quilt that I finished in 2012.
This is ready to quilt and bind.... I think it is so beautiful just the way it is... it doesn't need a border.
# 2 - A Quilt for All Seasons - Summer January pick Mission Accomplished! Quilted and Bound 1/18/2020. Gifted to Donna Carlson
Oh No! another mystery quilt from the internet that needs to be finished! This one is from 2012 or 2013....
Note- It's now the 14th of the month and time to get this sandwiched. My plan at this point is to use a large double loopy meander in the background. With all those flowers, I can't see the need to do anything fancy or fussy. I'm also thinking that I'll use some half feathers in the butterfly wings. I'm not treating the little green border as a border, rather as a focal break but it will be quilted same as the floral background. 1/14/2020 - I used low loft poly batting on this one - Warm Company's Soft and Bright.
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Yahoo! All done! |
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Some Quilting details |
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Lovely texture on the back |
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Under my Needle.. |
Ready for quilting
# 3 - Favorite Red Blocks quilt -
These blocks were won from my friends at Block Central back in about 2010! Each participant made their favorite block in the color chosen, and one participant won the entire group. This month's color was red. I finally pieced them into a top while at our spring retreat in 2014. Now it needs to be quilted. I used EQ software to do the setting. It is ready for quilting.
# 4 - Shabby Chic Roses - 2012 NWQ BOM
I was those block of the month chair for our guild for several years. This is the result of the blocks from 2012. Our theme that year was Variations on the Variable stars. I chose to do my blocks in old roses and soft color combinations. It is ready for quilting.
# 5 - A Year in the Garden - 2009 NWQ BOM
In 2009 - 2010, I was the Block of the month Chair for my guild. I chose a garden theme, thinking about how our gardens change through the year. Each month had a bordered block, and a nine-patch block that had some type of plant you would see in your garden at that time of year. This is my quilt that I made using my block samples. It needs to be quilted and bound. I do have the backing fabric.
# 6 - Pretty in Pink (Pink and Lime Greens)
These blocks were from an internet exchange we did. I thought the pink with green dots was perfect for setting them together. I used EQ software for the setting idea. Ready for quilting. this is approx 58 x 68 The blocks are a mix from two different exchanges
April 2020 found the entire world in a Co-Vid 19 Virus Lock down. I finished some new projects, but also got the borders on this one, and the backing is made and ready to sandwich.
Pattern is "One Block Wonder" and is made from brick shaped pieces. This will be a donation quilt when done. I started this project before 2009. Needs the final border stitched on then quilting and binding.
I exchanged these Christmas stocking blocks with my internet friends in approx 2005. The still need some sashing (possibly pieced), and then quilting and binding.
I exchanged these Christmas stocking blocks with my internet friends in approx 2005. The still need some sashing (possibly pieced), and then quilting and binding.
Another internet project. The rows are 40" wide. This will be a small quilt, possibly for a wall. It needs another row, and possible a border, but I'll think about it some.... Guess I need to see how much Kona Black I should buy. I know I don't have much.
Two blocks ready to stitch together. This is a QOV project that I started after watching Jenny Doan at Missouri Star Quilts do a tutorial. I have 4 of each fabrics shown cut into the 10" squares.
An internet swap project. These 12" batik blocks were exchanged between members of a swap group. I have 10 blocks.
I have 6 of the 9 blocks needed. These were swap blocks from the internet. We had several folks drop out for a variety of reasons... So this is not the only set of blocks that I will need to add to. I do love this block though. The pale yellow background along with the blue is a nice combination
As block of the month chair, I had a Color Wheel Tour in 2012. These blocks were the ones I won in the block lotto one month. I have 9 blocks to work with at this time.
This project took about 12 hours, but that was the assembly, sandwiching, quilting and binding. My 9 blocks were already pieced back in 2013. I think the turquoise sashing with gold cornerstones was the perfect setting for this Donation lap quilt that finished at 43 x 43". This is going to our guild's Comforting Quilts Project.
#5 - Purple Double Variable Stars
#6 - Stars of Autumn Lap Quilt Kit
This kit was put together several years ago as a donation quilt project. It got put into a box, and although the group did finish several quilts for the project we were working on, this one got left behind. Time to make it and donate it to a forever home. This pattern is one I use often when a group is working on a quilt, because there are no points or seams that meet when assembled.
#9 - Red, Black, Green, & White Strawberry themed Yellow Brick Road Kit - February Pick - i
it didn't happen.... worked on Quilt show Prep
1. Depression Blocks
2. Noon and Light Blocks
3. Goose Creek Blocks
4. Bear Paw Blocks
5. Red and Green Christmas Blocks
6. Lime Green Stars
7. Red Dutchman Puzzle Blocks
8. Red Streak of Lightning Blocks
9. Green Variable stars w/ Churn dash Centers
10. 30's Variable stars with 9 Patch Centers
11. Tile Blocks from Lisa
12. Green Pinwheels left over from Jamestown Landing
13. Leftover Christmas Applique Blocks
14. Stack and Whack quilt
15. Carrie nation blocks
#7. Country Plaids Quilt March Pick
No doubt, my oldest UFO. I started this project in 1997 as an internet block exchange, when the internet was just an infant. (OMG, that was last century!) I ran into a snag, and cut my sashing strips 2 1/2" too short. It got put away to work on other projects and hasn't really seen the light of day until I pulled it out of the drawer to take a picture today. I had forgotten how rich the colors were. All the blocks are there, the sashing fabrics are there. It's half pieced on point. It will be a queen size I believe.
I did make progress on this one... I finished the top at our 2019 Spring Retreat! It's now ready for Quilting....
# 8 - Bronco Spirit - I actually finished this the last week of 2019.
# 9 - Wool Leaf Embroidery - February Pick Finished March 30, 2020
I did not work on this in February... I was working on Quilt Show Prep, but with the Co-Vid 19 Stay home orders, I had time to finish the quilting, sleeve and facing in March.
I started this little embroidery on Wool project during a class Fall of 2019. Wool goes so quickly, and it's like potato chips... you get addicted and can't put it down! this one is ready for quilting and binding.
#10 - Spring Embroidery Wall hanging Finished! Jan. 7, 2020
The last of my Crabapple Hill Seasons. This one is stitched and ready for borders and embellishments.
# 11 - Wool Embroidery on Japanese Cotton - Tote Bag
This Embroidery on wool on Japanese Cotton will become a tote bag. The one side is a sampler of stitches on bright squares, and the other side is an owl that was inspired by a coloring page in an adult coloring book. The sampler side is complete and the owl is well on the way to being done.
# 12 - Sunny Lanes (my Birthday Quilt) - May Pick
In 2016, an internet group i belong to did a birthday block swap. We each picked a block and a colorway, and each member sent the birthday girl a block for their birthday. I chose the block, "Sunny Lanes" in red and scrappy. I need some more blocks, which I will need to make to get it to the size I want.
This is the setting I have designed in EQ. Still undecided if it will be 74 x 74, or if it will be 74 x 96.
List #2 -
#1 - Green, Black Gold Donation Quilt - April Pick -April 2020 found the entire world in a Co-Vid 19 Virus Lock down. I finished some new projects, but also got the borders on this one, and the backing is made and ready to sandwich.
Pattern is "One Block Wonder" and is made from brick shaped pieces. This will be a donation quilt when done. I started this project before 2009. Needs the final border stitched on then quilting and binding.
#2 - 30's Round Robin - January Pick
I looked at this all month, and decided it will get quilted as is.... I'm not adding any more borders.... but that is as far as January got me.
I looked at this all month, and decided it will get quilted as is.... I'm not adding any more borders.... but that is as far as January got me.
Another internet round robin. This one from 2014. I chose 30's reproduction fabrics as my theme. I sent the blue kona solid along with some of the 30's collection I had so participants could stick to my theme if they didn't have access to 30's fabrics. I would really like this to be a rectangular shape rather than square.... so it needs a couple more borders... then quilting and binding
#3- Christmas Happy Blocks
An internet forum, Block Central, did a monthly exchange of these fun little blocks. Each month was a different theme. I won the Christmas blocks in 2009. I have 20 blocks total, with just one of them being blue.
#4 - Christmas Stocking Exchange Blocks
I exchanged these Christmas stocking blocks with my internet friends in approx 2005. The still need some sashing (possibly pieced), and then quilting and binding.
#5 - Outdoor Happy Blocks
An internet forum, Block Central, did a monthly exchange of these fun little blocks. Each month was a different theme. These are the Outdoor themed blocks I won one month. There are 40 of them
#6 - Christmas Stocking Exchange Blocks
I exchanged these Christmas stocking blocks with my internet friends in approx 2005. The still need some sashing (possibly pieced), and then quilting and binding.
Note - I guess I get two months to work on this one... LOL I just realized that this same project is listed twice on my list. No excuse to not finish this one...
#7 - Amish Row by Row - March Pick -
I need some Black Kona Cotton to remake the heart row... the person who did it used a poly/cotton blend for the black...
I need some Black Kona Cotton to remake the heart row... the person who did it used a poly/cotton blend for the black...
Another internet project. The rows are 40" wide. This will be a small quilt, possibly for a wall. It needs another row, and possible a border, but I'll think about it some.... Guess I need to see how much Kona Black I should buy. I know I don't have much.
#8 - Amish Sampler Project
I remember starting this project. Internet group project and we each kept our own blocks rather than swapping and mailing. It was supposed to be a different block chosen each month. I can only find 7 of my blocks... wonder what happened to the other 7. I have a design started in EQ, but need to evaluate whether I want to come up with the extra blocks on my own. I may find a way to add these blocks to my Amish Row by Row project... possibly on the back. Win, Win!
#9 - Disappearing Pinwheel QOV - February Pick - Quilt show planning happened in February... this did not.
Two blocks ready to stitch together. This is a QOV project that I started after watching Jenny Doan at Missouri Star Quilts do a tutorial. I have 4 of each fabrics shown cut into the 10" squares.
#10. Maple leaf Block Exchange
An internet swap project. These 12" batik blocks were exchanged between members of a swap group. I have 10 blocks.
#11 - Scrappy Baskets Swap Blocks
#12 - Weathervane Swap Blocks - May pick
I have 6 of the 9 blocks needed. These were swap blocks from the internet. We had several folks drop out for a variety of reasons... So this is not the only set of blocks that I will need to add to. I do love this block though. The pale yellow background along with the blue is a nice combination
List #3 -
#1 - Blue Star Exchange Blocks - April Pick
Internet friends in a swap group I belonged to chose their favorite star block and then used blue fabrics to make it. I won the blue blocks the month that that was the theme. Probably in about 2009, 2010. I have 9 blocks
#2 - Stars on Black Backgrounds - January Pick Finished Jan. 6, 2020
As block of the month chair, I had a Color Wheel Tour in 2012. These blocks were the ones I won in the block lotto one month. I have 9 blocks to work with at this time.
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9 blocks.. It's a start |
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Quilting Detail |
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Quilted and Bound! Jan. 6, 2020 |
#3 - Snowbird Lodge Project
Many years ago, while on vacation, I saw this pattern made up in a quilt shop and fell in love! I purchased the pattern to use with my homespun fabric collection. The strips are cut, and one block is partially pieced, and it got put away for another day.... Hopefully that day will be coming up soon.
#4 - Color Wheel stars on light background
These were blocks won at our guild's BOM lotto. there are only 4 of them, but I will make a lap quilt out of them for donation.
#5 - Purple Double Variable Stars
These were Block of the month blocks won at guild. I have 11 of them. They will finish at 12" .
Another kit put together from leftover pieces from a previously made quilt. I mean, as long as I still have the extra yardage that is used, I may as well get a lap top out of it.
# 7 - Purple Stars Lap Quilt Kit - March Pick
This kit is made up of pieces and parts left over from a quilt I made several years ago. The construction method left lots of triangle pieces. These will go together to make a lap quilt for donation through our guild.
#8 - Red, White and Black - One Block Wonder Quilt Kit
This kit was put together several years ago as a donation quilt project. It got put into a box, and although the group did finish several quilts for the project we were working on, this one got left behind. Time to make it and donate it to a forever home. This pattern is one I use often when a group is working on a quilt, because there are no points or seams that meet when assembled.
#9 - Red, Black, Green, & White Strawberry themed Yellow Brick Road Kit - February Pick - i
it didn't happen.... worked on Quilt show Prep
Another kit that was put together prior to moving to the house we currently live in, and it was tucked away in a box. Time to finish it.
#10 - Thomas the Tank Quilt Kit
A couple of years ago, I made 3 Thomas the Tank quilts for donation. This is the last of the scraps from those projects. This will be another donation quilt.
#11 - Dog Theme One Block Wonder Quilt Kit
Several years ago, I made a quilt for an auction to benefit Guide Dogs for the Blind. I had fabric left over, of course. This will also be a One Block Wonder Quilt and is already cut into the bricks. The extra fabric will be used on the back and for borders.
#12 - Pink and Red String Blocks - May Pick
I won 63 of these cute little string blocks at guild. they will finish at 6" as is. I'm thinking of cutting them and making pinwheel blocks.. but we will see.
And more...
1. Depression Blocks
2. Noon and Light Blocks
3. Goose Creek Blocks
4. Bear Paw Blocks
5. Red and Green Christmas Blocks
6. Lime Green Stars
7. Red Dutchman Puzzle Blocks
8. Red Streak of Lightning Blocks
9. Green Variable stars w/ Churn dash Centers
10. 30's Variable stars with 9 Patch Centers
11. Tile Blocks from Lisa
12. Green Pinwheels left over from Jamestown Landing
13. Leftover Christmas Applique Blocks
14. Stack and Whack quilt
15. Carrie nation blocks
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