Ok, so I haven't posted in a long while.... truth be told, I've been busy, and the few times I thought about keeping you all informed of my latest ventures, I couldn't.... because I had forgotten my password. I had it autosaved in my computer, and had my computer worked on, and lost it somehow.... Just ran across it in the bottom of my wallet the other day....
I have been getting some quilting done... actually more piecing than quilting, but I'll share some photos with you.....
These were the blocks I won from a block lottery/exchange at BlockCentral.com last February. The theme for the month was green and white. Each participating member made their favorite block in shades of green and white. We each make two blocks and there are two winners. We have a new theme and draw every other month.....
I chose the brown with green dots and swirls to help tie the different greens together, and my thin brown coping sashings around each block helped to make the blocks all the same size. I still need to quilt this, but it felt good to get them assembled into a top.
I worked on this while at the beach with girlfriends for a week of scrapbooking. (I quilted instead).
This is another quilt i worked on during that craft week at the beach...
I call it "Churn Dash Bears"
I've been collecting outdoor fabrics for awhile now.... and DH needs a new quilt for watching TV.
I fussy cut the bears for the center of the churn dash blocks.
This also needs to be quilted still.
My pile of tops to be finished is getting deeper and deeper....

I participated in the Round Robin over at
Thequiltandneedle.com forum. My top came back to me in August.
I love the way it turned out! My only directions to my team were: Use homespun plaids.... think log cabin.... and follow my paint chips for color pallette.
I think they all did a fabulous job!
My friend NorthernDeb did the applique bears, and they are the perfect touch! Thank you Deb.
I still need to add my final border to this and get it quilted.
We are getting ready to start a Row Robin for 2011.

Jess at the Quilt and Needle, has once again designed a fantastic mystery quilt....
This is the fall mystery.
I took this pic before I had the last 3 corners ready to put in place.
This is a double size.... 80" square. I used up stash fabric for this! in fact, i have two pieces about 3x6 of the blue piece left..... it was supposed to be in an outside border, so I will have to use something else there. I'm thinking I'll probably use what ever I use to back and bind it with......
Oh, goody! I get to go shopping.....
I'll close this post, before I lose it, but i promise to be back with some more eye candy soon! I still have more to show you!