Sunday, February 12, 2017

I'm still digging...

     This "clean up" project I started just keeps giving!   I feel like I'm on an Archeological dig,  working my way back through history. 

4 lap quilts heading to our guild meeting tomorrow!   Finally... some sunshine to photograph these in.  

     I started quilting back in 1974,  while in college.  My sister-in-law and I took our first quilting class together,  when the Bi-Centennial quilt revival was getting started.   We're talking cardboard templates and scissors!  No rotary cutters, long arm machines,  or rulers with grids.
45" lap quilt from rejected project blocks 

     We've come a long way, Baby!  I've finished college, moved away, moved back home, moved out again, met my hubby and we've moved 7 times in 31 years.  I still have some of that original stash hanging around from those early days.   I'm determined to use it up!

45" lap made from blocks donated to a group I quilt with. These were leftover from a twin size quilt I finished in 2016.  Finally used them all up!  Yeah!  I had fun quilting this one with a random overall loop and daisy design.  The back is made with some leftover pieces of blues that backed the original twin.  double win!


     I have tamed scraps that were piling up and overflowing the box at the end of my table.  We had company for a week last month, and we moved everything out of the center of my stash room, to put up the queen size air bed.  Three weeks later, I'm still sorting and putting away small bits and pieces.  Having 10 snow days off of work gave me plenty of time inside to sort and play while hubby watched movies across the room. 

12 rejected blocks from a previous 2009 project.  45" lap quilt. The white areas just kept telling me to put something leafy and scroll-like there.  

     So far,  I've un-earthed: Leftover blocks from several quilts, some blocks that have been given to me to "do something with",  and several "small block components" such as small half square triangles,  tiny 9 patch and 4 patch blocks.   I've pressed and trimmed to common, usable sizes. 

  •  Irish chain quilt - 15 leftover chain blocks - 
  •  blue/ white blocks - enough for alternate blocks for a QOV 
  • 35 black / white blocks  leftover from a quilt in 2014
  • some Yellow brick road blocks -enough for a youth quilt if I made 2 more...
  • 98 half square triangles from a project in 2003!  (You know, those flip and fold triangles... these are 3 1/2"  so there are enough there for a lap quilt
  • Same pattern, different quilt,  I only have 67 from the second quilt. I can add to these with some of the fabric still in my stash to make another lap quilt 
  • Rejected blocks from a mystery quilt, that I re-made with different fabric 
I've played with some of these as I've worked through them, just to keep them moving through the pipeline.  In the last 3  weeks I've finished tops and done the quilting for: 

 Toy n Joy Doll quilts   going to our guild meeting tomorrow night 

  • 5 doll quilts (mostly using up the odd 4 or 6 blocks from previous projects)  These are all about 24" square.
  • 1 lap quilt 45" square  made with blocks that I rejected in the middle of a project in 2009.  They  got me so close, I only had to add borders. 
Study in Pinks and Blues -  45" square.  I'd like to say there isn't any more of these fabrics in my stash, but if I did, I'd be telling stories.  

My orphan block bin has shrunk!  My drawer of misc. pieces/ etc is 1/2 of what it was 3 weeks ago.  I'm making progress, and bagging these in like size / or color groups to do something with SOON! 

I also found UFO's!  (not on my official UFO list) 

  • two baby quilt makings from 14 years ago 
  • two home made kits for donation quilts in red/ white/ black
  • the beginnings of a Quilt of Valor (28  6 1/2" friendship stars).. there is a quilt in the making now, I've planned it out on EQ this evening. 
  • 2 more Thomas the Tank Engine baby quilts, all cut, ready to sew. 
  • All the blocks for a large lap for a dear family friend that my hubby rejected.  (He said they were too bright and busy for the intended recipient) 
I'm not done!   there's more,  I'm sure of it!  


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